10.2.22 | Graves Into Gardens: Ezra 3
Oct 2, 2022 • Caleb Fleming
Ezra 3
Sin robs you of your joy. Hate sin.
1. Reviving worship
- In your fear, where are you seeking shelter and refuge? (Genesis 12:7)
2. Renewing festivals
- What do you need to ask the Lord to renew in your life to remind you of how He has sustained you? (Leviticus 23:42-43)
3. Rebuilding the temple
- If you are stuck in the past, how you can you see what the Lord is doing in your present?
4. So what?
A. Do not let your fear rob you of your joy; let your fear cause you to worship Your stronghold.
B. Ask the Lord to remind you of His sustaining power daily.
C. Be present